Sunday 10 February 2013

Quiche Lorraine

This is my take on the classic Quiche Lorraine. The garlic and parsley that I put in the filling really gives a kick of flavour and makes this dish really memorable. You can use fresh garlic and parsley, but I think dried is actually better for this particular dish. 

Shortcrust Pastry:
225g Plain Flour
Pinch of Salt
50g Lard
50g Margerine
30 ml very cold water (around 3 tbsps)

300g tub of Full Fat Soft Cheese (such as Philadelphia)
4 eggs
salt & pepper
1 tbsp dried garlic flakes
1 tsp dried parsley
110g bacon (3 rashers)
75g Cheddar Cheese
100 ml single cream (optional)

Mixing Bowl
Round-edged Knife
Rolling pin
12" Flan-tin with removable base
Greaseproof Paper
Baking Beans/Rice


Preheat your oven to 190C.
To make the shortcrust pastry, mix the flour and salt in a bowl and rub in the fats. Whilst you do this, add air to the mixture by lifting the mix out of the bowl and letting it fall between your fingers. Use a round-edged knife to mix in the water and stir and cut the mix until you have a soft dough. This process takes quite some time but stick at it and don't be tempted to add more water as it will go sticky. It is also important to keep the dough cool. When ready, knead the dough very lightly on a lightly floured surface and roll it to size using a floured rolling pin. The rolled-out dough should overlap your flan-tin by about two inches all the way around. Use the rolling pin as a lever to help place the dough over the flan-tin and press it into the base, making sure to press the pastry into the fluted sides of the tin. Make sure you prick the dough all over with a fork at this point. Roll the pin over the tin the cut off the excess dough. Cover the dough with greaseproof paper and fill it with baking beans. I keep a jar full of rice for the same purpose. Blind bake the pastry for 15 mins then remove the paper and beans and bake for a further 5 mins. If you haven't pricked the base the pastry will bubble at this point. Once ready, take out of the oven and leave to cool slightly on a rack while you make your filling.

To make the filling, preheat your grill and then cook your bacon rashers for 3 mins on both sides. You don't want it too crispy as it will cook further in the oven. Use scissors to cut the bacon into very small pieces and spread them around your pastry case. Sprinkle most of the cheddar over the bacon, reserving some for later. Whisk together your soft cheese and eggs in a mixing bowl and season to taste. You can also add 100 ml of cream here to make the topping nice and rich. Add your parsley and garlic flakes and mix well. Pour the mixture evenly over the bacon and cheese, then top with the remaining cheddar. Crack some more black pepper on top and bake in the middle of the oven, still at 190C for around 36-40 mins, until the topping has set and is golden brown.

Allow to cool slightly before serving with a nice crunchy salad and my home-made coleslaw, which packs its own punch!

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