Thursday 23 April 2015

Smoked Mackerel Florentine

This ridiculously healthy dish can be made in just 10 minutes and it is dead easy! It's full of vitamins, looks great and is surprisingly filling for it's size. What more needs to be said?

Serves 2


2 large eggs
1 smoked mackerel fillet, cut in half
100g fresh spinach
Black pepper


1. Place the fish halves in a small pan and pour over just enough water to cover the fish. Bring to the boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 5-6 mins.

2. Meanwhile, start to bring a shallow pan of water to the boil. Also, wash the spinach leaves in a colander, then place the still wet leaves into an empty saucepan and cook over a medium heat until they have all wilted and look a little soggy. Sieve and pat down with the back of a spoon to drain any excess water.

3. When the shallow pan starts to bubble gently, stir to make an eddy and pour your eggs in. I always break my eggs into 2 separate cups to begin with to both ensure that the eggs are fresh and that I don't break the yolk, as well as to be able to put both eggs in to the pan fairly quickly after one another. Skim off any scrum that forms on the surface of the water and remove the eggs once the white has set right up to the yolk. Lift out with a slotted spoon.

4. The dish should be arranged spinach on the bottom, followed by fish (remove the skin first) and sit the poached egg on top. Season with plenty of black pepper and serve while the egg is hot and yolk nice and leaky.

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