Wednesday 20 November 2013

Smoked Salmon and King Prawns with Horseradish Cream and Sourdough Toast

I had this as a starter in Llandudno at the weekend and it was divine so last night I tried to replicate it for tea and we were simply amazed with the results. This isn't really what I would call a recipe as there is very little in the way of actual cooking, but it definitely deserves a place on this blog as it is amazingly tasty.

Serves 2


2 Thick Slices of Sourdough Bread
1 Tbsp Horseradish Sauce
4 Tbsp Double Cream
350g Smoked Salmon
350g Raw King Prawns
Mixed Peppery Salad Leaves
An inch Cucumber (quartered and sliced)
A Couple of Cherry Tomatoes (quartered)
2 Cloves Garlic (Crushed)
1 Tbsp Chopped Parsley


1. Lightly toast the bread on both sides.
2. Mix the horseradish and cream and spread over the toast.
3. Layer the salmon on top, followed by the salad leaves and scatter the remaining salad around the dish.
4. Heat some butter in a wok or frying pan and fry the garlic and parsley for a minute before adding the prawns. Cook the prawns until pink then scatter around the dish.
5. Pour the remaining garlic butter over the salad and serve with a basket of chips.

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